Result file

In: file types

PragTic processes only stress and total strain tensors nowadays during any fatigue calculation, but more quantities can be uploaded as results. A result file corresponds to results as input quantities for fatigue damage calculation; result of fatigue calculations are separated to fatigue results category.

All result files are saved to files rootname.res the distinction of the real meaning of the result is hidden in the header of the data_vector, where following variables can be defined:

- Acceleration

- Displacement

- Elastic Strains

- Energy

- Plastic Strains

- Principal Strains

- Principal Stresses

- Reaction Forces

- Temperature

- Transient S-E Tensor Pair see transient analysis for more

- Strain

- Stress

- Stress Invariants

- Velocity

The meaning of the result file is classified during the Import procedure. It cannot be changed in the present version of PragTic. The result file has the same form whether it is defined at nodes, elements, nodes of elements or at isolated points the decisive point is to which set of entities it is related. Since e.g. the record of stress tensor at shell elements at their nodes is pretty complicated, each result file is accompanied by a header file, where pointers to the result file are recorded for each item (node, element, isolated point). The result file thus can have a uniform structure of e.g. one stress tensor after another. The header files (*.rhd) are not shown in the database tree, but can be found e.g. by View Database command.

As already noted above, the results used for the fatigue calculation can be related to

- nodes (averaged)

- elements (as a whole item)

- nodes of elements (non-averaged)

- isolated points

Note, that results on bar, shell and solid elements can be currently uploaded to PragTic. The fatigue analysis on bar elements or nodes (which can be ran in fact) seems to be a bit inappropriate. The bars are usually dented by various notches, holes, screws and rivets. All of these entities are not covered within the rough FE-model utilising the bar elements. So, pay attention what are you computing!






header file

set of nodes, elements

set of isolated points

transient analysis

© PragTic, 2007

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